miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

HW- TUESDAY 1 de marzo de 2011

monday:I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Tuesday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Wednesday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Thursday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Friday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Saturday: I get up a little late pick up my room and do outstanding work beo TV
Sunday:  I wake up bathroom and breakfast I visit my family

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