miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

HW- tuesday 29 de marzo

my plans for this evening to come to school to consultancies at 7 with Professor Sir villa

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

HW-THURSDAY chek e-mail

mario I'm am on my computer checking my email to know whether I have a new unread mail and envir one of my classmates

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

HW- tuesday video

i never get up before 8:45 thas is lat 5:00 an tha's early?
what do you do in the morning?
well ofter i get up usually
mak breakfast

take aot the garabage do  the  loundry the  yes
then read the newspaper, ceck my e mail
sometimes i take a  map

you take a nop in the morning?
just fiften minutes, on monday y wednsday and friday' exerse

and on the uther days i clean the house then i tak a shower, get dressed put on my make up and goto work wor
your never sleep lote!

on the wekonds sleep til 6:00
thas'really late.

you do laundry in the morning.


She lives movies
Goes a cuple of films
See independent film.

When do you loundry?
As little has posible

alvino usually takes the
brekfast bet ween 6:30 and 7:00

are you a morning, person or on evening person
more afon evening person

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011


tipical weekday
Jack Benson get up at 7:00 he eats breyck fust at 7:30, he go to worksut 8:00 he go to his house at 6:00p.m of ther that jack cooks dinner, et  7:30 he watches tu, at 8:00 p.m the takei go to bed at 11:00 p.m his weekends he takes the grabage in the morning beetwen morningafternon he cleans his home do es the larandy and cheeks email in the afternoon he molye dinner washe the dishes and the he listens to music

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

HW- WEDNESDAY 2 de marzo de 2011

1.-He often listens to the radio
How often does he listen to the radio?

2.-They sometimes read a book
you do in your spare time?

3.-how never pete gets ongry
Pete gets angry very often?

4.-tom usually is very frendly
how is tom?

5.-sometimes take sugar in my coffee
you like eat sweet food?

6.-ramon and frank often are hungry
how often they get hungry?

7.-my grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening
when you go out for a walk your grandmother?

8.-usually water helps his father in the kitchen
usually your father who helps in the kitchen?

9.-he never watch tv in the afternoon
when you see tv?

10.-christine never smokes
christine smoke?

HW- TUESDAY 1 de marzo de 2011

monday:I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Tuesday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Wednesday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Thursday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Friday: I wake up, I get up I get I get ready to bathe, I desalluno me boy to school, I go and how beo ago tv and then homework and then I fall asleep
Saturday: I get up a little late pick up my room and do outstanding work beo TV
Sunday:  I wake up bathroom and breakfast I visit my family